Network of professional lawyers specialized in asset recovery, real estate law, commercial business transactions and litigation.

Corporate and Commercial Law

Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Investigation and Asset Recovery

Real State Law

Intellectual Property

Tax and Customs

Improvements to the Law for Commercial Restructuring and Judicial Liquidation. Conclusions of the AMCHAMDR Task Force and the CNC on the preliminary draft
Bulletin of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (AMCHAMDR) Issue No. 9 of May 2010, Number 3, Volume 2, Page 26.
“Dominican Republic: an Ideal Investment Destination”
(en español, República Dominicana: un Destino Ideal para la Inversión). Artículo publicado por Aimée Prieto de Prieto Cabrera; Asociados en la revista AI – Acquisition International, Edición Febrero 2015, Página 101.
Real Property Release
The Dominican Taxing Authority (Dirección General de Impuestos Internos - DGII) issued the General Rule No. 08-2014 for the release of real property to those individuals and companies that have sold a property and whose purchaser has not made the payment of the Real...
Proposed Solution for the Overlapping of Real Property
There are over 365,000 cases of lots, of which 230,000 overlap in less than 1%. The Supreme Court of Justice issued the Rule No. 3764-2014 in an effort to resolve the overlapping of land surveys. Historically there have been location and displacement errors on the...
Prieto Cabrera y Asociados
Prieto Cabrera & Asociados
Haim López Penha 19,
Ensanche Paraíso.
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
(809) 890 8900